Well, what is truth? All truth comes from God which is why . . .
That is absolutely the truth! Understanding, believing, accepting and acting on truth is what makes us free. There is so much truth out there in this world and I believe when we hear or understand truth, we feel it in our soul. But I think we sometimes fail to understand basic truths. For example, do we know who we really are and where we came from?
I grew up knowing I was a child of God. I read my scriptures. I said my prayers. I went to church. But I don't think I "understood, believed, and accepted this truth and lived by it." Because I despised myself so much growing up, I was basically throwing this truth back in God's face. I was literally saying to God, "I hate who You made me to be. How could You have made me so terribly awful?" I did not truly understand, believe, and accept who I really was. What is so interesting is that after all those years of believing I was so imperfect therefore I wasn't loved or accepted, I have come to realize that God really did make me perfect. He gave me my weaknesses and strengths, my flaws and my gifts for a particular reason and purpose. And all of the experiences I have had and will have in my life, good or bad, happy or sad, are for a particular reason and purpose too. God's plan for me and my life is perfect because it is designed to give me every opportunity to become the greatest version of me possible. Opportunity is the key word there. It is up to us whether we look at life, the good and bad, happy and sad, as opportunities for growth and progression or as justifications and excuses to feel like a victim. I can choose to be mad at God for my life and who I am, or I can choose to accept it, run with it, and become a better, happier person because of it. The problem isn't in my creation, it's in how I view my creation. In the words of one of my favorite books:
God did not mess up when He created us. Quite the contrary. In His omniscience and unconditional love for each one of us, He gave us everything we would need, weaknesses and strengths, good times and hard times, in order to help us become our brightest, most brilliant, beautiful, powerful self. The analogy of us to a diamond epitomizes this truth.
The creation of a diamond has so many similarities to our own creation. Read this description of a diamond's creation and think about how it applies to our own.
The natural flaws that are found in diamonds are actually the inclusions of trace minerals and composites that were present in the area during the time of the natural formation process of the precious gemstone millions of years ago.
Just as diamonds were created millions of years ago, so were we. Just as these "precious gemstones" had weaknesses included in their formation, so did we. But their flaws don't make them any less beautiful. Read this next description of a diamond's flaws and think about how it relates to us.
Many natural flaws can be discovered inside the formation of a diamond. Under the inspection process, these precious gemstones are considered imperfect. Most diamond flaws that occur during the formation of the diamond naturally are not visible to the naked eye and will rarely hinder its market value. Rarely, is a diamond graded as 'no flaw' and, to find one on the market would be an even rarer find.
Isn't it so true that we magnify our own weaknesses and flaws when in reality most people don't even notice or pay attention to them? In fact, most people are looking at our strengths, talents and gifts. I love this quote:
We wouldn't worry so much about what people thought of us if we realized how little they do.
We are our own worst critic. We judge ourselves by our flaws instead of our strengths. We compare our weaknesses to others' strengths and then feel not good enough. We can work on and try to improve or change our flaws, but making them our focus is not what we want to do. This is one of Satan's tools to drag us down that negative spiral. Our worth is not dependent on any worldly scale. No matter how much we magnify our flaws in our own eyes, that doesn't change our "market value". Our flaws don't negate our worth! In fact, our flaws add to our worth because they make us different and unique from anyone else. We have value and great worth simply because we exist and because we were created by a divine, perfect Being. Our existence further proves God's limitless love for each one of us. It means He used His precious energy and time to create us all different and unique from each other. None of us are without flaws and none of us are the same. We were born to be different! Aren't we grateful for that? How boring would this world be if we were all the same and we were all flawless? We are all imperfect, and yet our flaws are part of the reason we are each precious, beautiful, special, and highly valuable!
There are many other ways that we are similar to a diamond.
What do you see in this picture? All these diamonds are different . . . sizes. Would we look at the smallest diamond and say it isn't beautiful? I don't think so. Yes, most of us want the big honkers on our finger, but I believe most of us would say that the smallest diamond is just as beautiful as the big one.
Here we see diamonds come in different . . . shapes. We all have our preference of what shape of diamond we like, but I don't think any of us would say the teardrop diamond is any more or less beautiful than the round. We too are all different shapes and sizes and we are all beautiful and perfect just the way we are because that's the way we were created by a perfect God.
Diamonds are also all different . . . colors. Are we not too? Not only can our skin, our hair, and our eyes be different colors, but aren't our personalities all different colors too? These differences were given to us by a divine, all-knowing God on purpose, for a purpose, with a purpose. So let me ask you:
Why are we letting the world define what is beautiful and what is not, what is "in" and what is not? Why are we trying to fit the mold the world tells us is acceptable when we are quite literally not of this world? We can't be a teardrop diamond when we were created to be a round. We can't be a pink diamond when we were created to be a blue one. We can't be a small diamond when we were created to be a large one. And yet we get it into our heads that in order to be ok, we have to be what the world tells us to be. We try and we try to change who we are physically, socially, mentally, and emotionally in order to be accepted in this world. But does that endeavor ever make us happier? Does that effort ever give us peace and joy? Please be honest with yourself. I believe I can accurately state that the answer to that is NO! Why? Because I did it for 22 years and it never brought me happiness, peace or joy. We are not of this world! We are not our bodies. We are not our jobs. We are not our houses or our clothes or our cars. We are our spirits! We were created spiritually by a loving Heavenly Father long before we were created physically. And in that creation, we were each made different from each other. There is no one mold to try and fit into. There isn't only one version of beautiful. The world wants to tell us there is by saying Jennifer Lopez or Gwyneth Paltrow is the most beautiful woman in the world. But God doesn't say that. He says for as many children as He has created, there are that many versions of beautiful. I've had the opportunity to travel to a lot of places in my life and I've had people ask me what is the most beautiful place I have been to. In all honesty I reply, "I can't say which place is more beautiful than any other. There's no comparison. They are all just different kinds of beautiful." So now you know why my favorite word is "be.YOU.tiful". The sooner we learn to embrace and accept our own beautiful, who we were created to be, recognizing the lies the world and Satan are trying to deceive us with, the sooner we will find happiness and peace.
So let's focus on our strengths, the positives of who we are, instead of magnifying our flaws. What are your strengths? What are your gifts and talents that were given to you spiritually before you were born physically? Take time to identify them because that is who you really are! For those of you who are LDS, a great source for identifying who you really are is your patriarchal blessing. You can also ponder and meditate, taking time to be quiet and think about who you are. What do you love to do? What are you passionate about? What do you get excited about? Those things define who you really are! And when you choose to act on who you really are, the joy you will feel will be out of this world! There is no earthly, worldly, temporary, or momentary joy that can ever compare to the true, lasting, real joy that comes as a reward from God for being who He created you to be.
Through God our joy is full, not through the world. God asks us to not let our focus be on our body and the things of the world, but on refining and beautifying our spirit, our soul, because He knows that's where real joy comes from. And that's what I am suggesting to you too. When our focus is outward at the body or our status or place in the world, we draw away from God and become more susceptible to the enticements, temptations, and deceptions of Satan which only brings us misery and sorrow if we succumb to them. True joy and peace comes from looking inward at the soul, letting go of the negative while embracing and acting on the positive. As we take care of the soul, we draw closer to God who created our beautiful soul and then He rewards us with His true, lasting, real peace and joy. And isn't that what we are all searching for? Isn't that what our ultimate desire is . . . to be truly happy and at peace? This is the way my friends. This is the way.
In that last scripture, we are also told to "seek the face of the Lord always" which leads right into the final key truth.
In seeking the face of the Lord always, we unite with Him and when we unite with God, "all things are possible". I love this next quote:
God is not focused on our past deeds or mistakes. He only sees where we are now and then looks for a willing heart that is ready to team up with Him and trust Him in order to move forward and accomplish incredible things. Let me illustrate this for you.
So often in our lives we do what is shown in the above diagram. We want what we want and we feel that the only way we are going to get it is if we work tirelessly, using our precious time, energy, and resources to make it happen. Now I'm not saying we're not supposed to work. I'm just suggesting a different kind of work. There is a better way which allows us to use our time and energy much more productively. A way which is much more efficient, rewarding and fulfilling. This is how it looks:
Instead of working so hard to get the money, resources and people to come our way, God asks us to trust in Him to make that happen. And that's why the arrow is now pointed up towards God instead of towards the money, resources and people. Notice if we are willing to do our part by working one side of the triangle, God is willing to work the other two sides. Talk about mercy and grace! So what is our work? What do we need to do to make this happen? The first element of our work is that of letting go of the negative, just as I've stated before. The beauty of this is that when we have the faith to let go, trusting in God's timing, in His perfect plan, and in His omniscience, He sends the money, resources and people to us. Then the second part of our work comes into play. When we receive these things, or when we receive inspiration or direction from God, we go and do. We act on the positive again just as I've stated before. All He is asking us to do is trust Him and instead of being focused on getting what we want, be focused on saying, "Thy will not mine be done". But I think we get confused as to what this really means. God is not asking us to give up who we are and what we love. He is asking us to give up what's keeping us from being who we really are.
God has asked us to give to Him "a broken heart and a contrite spirit" (3 Nephi 9:20). This is absolute vulnerability. Having a "broken heart and a contrite spirit" means we are humble and teachable. It means we have done the work to look inward, to face the demons inside, to let go of the negative in our past or present. It means to give up whatever it may be that is protecting us from our past, keeping us safe, or helping us escape our present painful reality whether that's addiction in whatever shape or form it may be, anger or resentment, guilt or shame, etc. Anything and everything! Then it means we recognize the power God has to fill the empty spaces that are left behind as a result of letting go. It means we recognize that He knows a whole lot more than we do and that if we are going to make it, we need His grace and mercy. It means we are willing to trust in His desire for our happiness, and in His perfect plan not only for all of us as His children, but for each one of us personally. It means we give up the control. We let go and we let God.
I love that quote! We are not surrendering who we are or what our dreams and desires are. We are surrendering the control of them. And when we have the faith, the trust, and the willingness to do that, we will be absolutely amazed and blown away at the outcome! I cannot even express how in awe I am at the detailed, precise, beautiful way God has granted me the desires of my heart. In sacrificing my will for His, I have been blessed with amazing opportunities and experiences. Not just in a spiritual way, but also in a temporal, physical, monetary way. Everything has just fallen into perfect place. Another favorite quote:
If you put God first in your life, everything else will either fall into place or fall out of importance in your life.
The result of having the attitude of "Thy will not mine be done" has had nothing to do with God trying to make me someone other than I am. Rather, He has magnified, enhanced and made me more ME than I could have ever been through my own effort or will. I am more ME than I have ever been in my life and it's because I have surrendered my will to His. Together we are doing some amazing things! And I don't say that to boast. I say that fully acknowledging that I could not be who I am today without the grace and mercy of God. Now I am not saying I am perfect. I am not saying my life is perfect and without pain or trials. I still slip and fall. I still have my hard times. But despite what may happen to me or around me, because I have incorporated this way of thinking and acting into my way of life, I experience peace and joy the majority of the time. And that's the goal. As you make this new way of living YOUR way of living, you will experience peace and joy the majority of the time. God is so good and I know it is His greatest desire to grant each of us every righteous desire of our hearts. He says, "…prove me now herewith…if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it" (3 Nephi 24:10). But we have to be willing to let go, to trust Him, to give up the control, to follow Him, and to do and be what He has created us to do and be.
I see it like this. Back to my diamond analogy. My absolute favorite characteristic about a diamond is its ability to refract light.
Pure, white light comes in from above and a beautiful array of colored light refracts out. The exact same thing can happen with us, but it can only happen if we allow it. If we are dark and filled with negativity then our light is dimmed and we don't shine. It's like we've taken our beautiful, sparkling, brilliant diamond and rolled it around in the mud of this world, covering it with layer upon layer of dirt so it no longer shines or can even be seen at all. Only when we look inward and allow ourselves to shed those layers of mud will we uncover and reveal our beautiful diamond again.
God wants us to shine! He wants the real, beautiful, unique, special diamond that we are to not only be seen, but to be brilliantly bright and powerful! He wants us to receive of the joy that comes from being true to who we really are! But I also believe that we can't be the most beautiful, brilliant version of ourselves without the pure, white light of our Savior, Jesus Christ. His light is the white light that comes down from above, but His light can only penetrate us when we are open and have made room within our souls to receive it. I believe that when we are filled with positive and are open to receiving His pure, white light into our hearts and souls, then we have the ability to refract that light to all those around us in a beautiful array of colors that represent who we uniquely are. And when we do that, when we couple our beautiful, sparkling diamond with Christ's pure, white light, the power we will have to shine and make a difference in this world is beyond anything we could do or even imagine doing through our own efforts or devices.
"But behold, all things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things. Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy."
2 Nephi 2:24-25
The key phrase is "might have joy". The word "might" shows our agency and our part in creating joy in our lives. We have to choose the path that will make it happen.
There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.
And that way is being true to the glory of God that is within us, letting our light shine so we can then help others allow their own light to shine. That is where true peace and joy comes from!
So uncover your beautiful diamond! Be aware of what's going on in your mind. Let go of all the negative thoughts and feelings that are trying to drag you down, hold you back, and cover you in the dirt and mud of the world. Remember you are not of this world! You were created by God who loves you and wants you to be happy! So identify who He created you to be! Identify your gifts, your strengths, all the positives of who you are and then act on them. Embrace your own beautiful and let it shine! Couple your unique, special, brilliant diamond with the light of Christ and not only will you find unimaginable joy and peace, but you will be a powerful force for good, bringing a rainbow of light into this darkened world!

Go shine on you crazy diamond! And . . .