Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Video Presentation

Wowsers!  School is out and we're already weeks into summer!!  Where did that year go?  Life has now officially slowed down a little so I hope to resume activity on this blog.  Thank you for your patience!  I'm so grateful to all of you for reading my posts!  I plan to continue with this blog and hope to have valuable things to share with you in the future.

I had the amazing blessing and opportunity to speak to a large gathering of around 700 women recently.  This presentation was what kept me busy for 4 months which is why I didn't post anything here during that time.  My presentation was entitled "What is Grace?"  You all know that I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints so yes my talk was geared towards Jesus Christ and how His grace takes us from surviving to thriving.  I have a firm belief that embracing who we truly are while also uniting with God is how we create the peace and happiness in our life that we are searching for.  If you are not LDS, please don't turn away.  The truths I talk about can help anyone heal from anything because it is truth.  I was able to video it, so I invite you to check it out by clicking here.  Be prepared for my leaky eyes as well as a leaky nose. ;)  My emotions and feelings surfaced because of the nature of what I was speaking about.

Please open your mind and heart to the things I say and pay attention to how you feel as you listen.  Positive, good, powerful emotion comes when you open yourself to really hearing truth.  I know that the things I say are truth because they are the things that set me free from a 22-year-long eating disorder.  "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32).  Truth can set any of us free if we are willing to embrace it and do what it takes to make it work for us in our lives.

There are a couple slides that are in my presentation that get cut off a little so I am including them here. You will recognize them because I have used them previously in my blog, but I have changed them a little.

So go watch my presentation and please let me know what you think!  Let me know your thoughts or if you have any questions!  And most importantly …
